July 15, 2024

14th season of School of Young Physicists


We have led another successful semester of School for Young Physicist sessions. This year came with a challenge at times since we have seen an influx of students this year, but this is a challenge that we welcome as long as more people who are interested in physics have the opportunity to study it outside of the classroom. This semester has also come with another good surprise. In all but one of the sessions we had an international guest or someone who works somewhere else than Latvia. Expanding the horizons of our students is one of our goals, so that they see more of what happens not only locally but also internationally. Two of such sessions were about physics is medicine and electromagnetism.

              In the former there was a more general lecture on some uses of physics in hospitals. For example, how ultrasound works and is used for imaging for medical complications, as well as the working principles of an electro cardiogram. The guest of this session Ingolf Sack, PhD went more in depth of what can be achieved with ultrasound and related technologies. For the practical part of the session one of our students developed a to experience one of the quantum computing cryptographic methods.

              In the latter we dwelled deep into what is electromagnetic radiation. The process through which electromagnetic waves are produced was explained. The uses of many sections of the electro magnetic spectrum was looked into and talked about. The guest was prof. Ingolf Sack with whom we had a Q&A session about his work with the use of induction in many industrial processes.